About the Congress
For 75 years the Canadian Peace Congress has worked to build a strong, resilient, and united peace movement in Canada. Our focus is twofold: to build the broadest possible peace movement and to strengthen the core of the struggle for peace, the anti-imperialist compass which helps guide our work.
Our vision is a world founded on peace, cooperation, and international solidarity based on the United Nations Charter and the principles of international law.
The Canadian Congress was founded after the horrors of World War II in response to the international call to “Ban the Bomb,” a movement that garnered over 500 million signatures on the first Stockholm Appeal for Nuclear Disarmament.
As a member of the World Peace Council we join with people around the globe demanding an end to imperialism and it’s progeny: endless wars, ecocide, the plundering of the global south, colonialism, neo-colonialism; apartheid and genocide.
The Canadian Peace Congress: A Brief Background
Our Principles
Peaceful Co-existence Among States
- Prohibition of all weapons of mass destruction including nuclear, biological and conventional weapons.
- Ending of arms races and militarization of economies.
- Prohibition of weapons in outer space. Total and universal disarmament under effective international control.
- Abolition of foreign military bases.
- Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, and oppose unjust unilateral economic warfare waged against any state.
- Negotiations and non-use of force in the settlement of disputes.
- Trade and cultural relations based upon respect, mutual benefit and friendship.
Freedom of People
- End all forms of colonialism, neocolonialism, and imperialist domination; elimination of racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination.
- Right of states to choose their path of development.
- Respect for the full rights and self-determination of all nations and peoples.
- Right of the people to the benefits of economic and social development.
- Preservation of the environment and ecological integrity.
- Solidarity, cooperation and unity among those supporting peace, social justice and environmental/ecological preservation.
Constitution and Principles of the Canadian Peace Congress