The Canadian Peace Congress
For 75 years the Canadian Peace Congress has worked to build a strong, resilient, and united peace movement in Canada. Our focus is twofold: to build the broadest possible peace movement and to strengthen the core of the struggle for peace, the anti-imperialist compass which helps guide our work.
As a member of the World Peace Council we join with people around the globe demanding an end to imperialism and it’s progeny: endless wars, ecocide, the plundering of the global south, colonialism, neo-colonialism; apartheid and genocide.
A Peace Alternative
Canada needs a foreign policy based on peace, disarmament, and solidarity, not war and aggression. As a necessary first step to win such a “Peace Alternative”, we aim to get Canada out of NATO, NORAD, and the Five Eyes spy network.
Canada’s NATO commitment chains our country to an aggressive, militaristic alliance dominated by the United States, and makes it virtually impossible to deviate from foreign policy decisions made in Washington DC.
Military spending drains massive amounts of budget resources away from desperately needed social programs such as health, education, housing and environmental protection.
Now is the time to build a powerful peace movement in Canada and engage actively in the struggle against imperialism, the greatest enemy of the peoples of the world and their desire to live in peace.