On August 6, 1945 U.S. imperialism dropped “Little Boy” on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later
On August 6, 1945 U.S. imperialism dropped “Little Boy” on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later
For 75 years, we’ve remained committed to our anti-imperialist and anti-colonial principles, and to our vision for a
For a Fundamental Re-alignment of Canadian Foreign and Defence Policies The Canadian Peace Congress is convinced that Canada can
On April 25, 2021, the Canadian Peace Congress, in collaboration with the Communist Party of Canada, hosted a
[OMAR LATIF, a Canadian trade unionist and peace & solidarity activist, gives a first-hand report on what he
On April 19, World Peace Council members and friends in all countries mobilized a Global Day of Action
The World Peace Council (WPC) expresses its deep concern about the situation in the Ukraine after the installation of the new government in Kiev by the imperialists of the European Union, NATO and the U.S., hand in hand with reactionary neo – Nazi groups who were active throughout the last time in the country. On the backs of the Ukrainian people the last few months a dangerous and bloody game was played by US, E.U. and NATO that reflects their expansion to the East and their competition with Russia with the aim of control of geopolitical spheres but also of the rich energy sources in the region.
The Ukrainian people , who have suffered so much from capitalist restoration since 1991 , has the sole and non-negotiable right to decide for its leadership and its fortunes without any foreign interference or intervention. The repetition of “violent regime change” exacerbated the already tense atmosphere in the country and the region.
The Executive Committee (EC) of the World Peace Council held successfully from November 23-25, 2013 in Caracas its first meeting after the Assembly of Kathmandu (July 2012). The meeting was hosted in excellent conditions by the Committee of International Solidarity (COSI), the WPC member in Venezuela.
We recall very well the holding of our World Peace Assembly in 2008, where we declared Caracas as the “World Capital of Peace and Anti-imperialist struggle”. Our Assembly then was held under the auspices of the late President, Commander Hugo Chavez, to whom we paid our deepest respect for his huge contribution and successful leadership in the Bolivarian revolution, as a genuine leader of his people with broad recognition worldwide.
The WPC salutes the people of Venezuela which is struggling and defending its achievements, trying to open ways for the deepening of the Bolivarian process, against the subversive actions and the economic war carried out by the local oligarchy and imperialist forces, especially this period. We defend the sovereign right of the Venezuelan people to decide upon its future and wealth, for its empowerment in order to become the true master of its destiny.
The EC of the WPC met in a period of increasing aggressiveness of imperialism in all corners of the world, all fields and aspects of human life.
The 2012 Assembly of the World Peace Council was held from July 20-23 in Kathmandu and hosted by
Dave McKee, President of the Canadian Peace Congress and a member of the Executive Committee of the World Peace Council, is currently on tour in Ontario. He is meeting with people across the province, to discuss the impact that NATO membership has on Canada’s foreign and domestic policies. Dave presents the case that Canada needs to withdraw from NATO, in order to develop an independent foreign policy that is based on peace, international cooperation and solidarity.
This tour is part of a larger Canadian Peace Congress Campaign Against NATO, and is a continuation of a very successful tour of Western Canada last year.
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